A spokesman for Psy Co. Holdings said the name 'Assarabia' came from the Korean language word meaning "great joy" and the proper title should be 'assaraVia', an argument somewhat weakened by the fact that the Korean language lacks a V sound as all the Vs have long since been used up in photographs.
While the Ass Arabia site is not available in Korea due to the selfless work of Korean Christians who search extensively for porn in order to normally add it to the government's National Firewall, sites like Xvideo's Big Ass Arabia Porn Sex are still apparently visible.
In 2011, the government warned that a gay infection may be spread through their television sets, and there have been concerns that 'assarabia' may have led to an outbreak of gayness in Korea even though normally Koreans are not gay, unlike foreigners, who have AIDS. Butt the company said it simply decided to change the title as "Ass Arabia" is not easy for non-Korean speakers to pronounce.
Observers believe Psy has struggled with a follow-up to his hugely successful single "Gangnam Style" – which has been watched over 1.44 billion times around the world by people who wished they were Korean. His rise nearly came to a sticky end when it was alleged that at a 2004 anti-American protest he had called for U.S. Soldiers to be killed, although later observers suggested that he might only have been calling for the families of U.S. service personnel to be killed slowly and painfully, not the soldiers themselves.
After the anti-American scare, there were fears that the 'Assarabia' title may have had the potential to cause a backlash in the Middle East, and it is widely understood that you should never be rude to an Arab because
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Foreigners Who Have AIDS Should Get Tested Urges KFAP
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