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But after the revelation that Kim Jong-un - the North Korean hipster now running the secretive regime in Pyongyang – is an avid Apple fanboy, many experts are questioning the similarity between the followers of the technology cult and those who follow the communist dynasty's leadership cult, and asking "Are South Korean Apple users communist sympathizers who are therefore guilty of treason?"
While there may initially appear to be significant differences between Apple and North Korea, there is plenty of evidence of the similarity between the two groups. Both the Democratic People's Republic of Apple and the Workers' Party of Korea were built out of the ashes of near-collapse into organizations which grew to threaten the world under autocratic leaderships known for their sudden rages and summary executions. Both created personality cults and reality distortion fields around their respective leaders, and encouraged a level of fanaticism increasingly aimed at a range of perceived enemies. Both dogmatically demand that the needs of their citizens be provided for exclusively by the regime, with private enterprise and non-approved products crushed.
And while the Workers Party is based in North Korea and Apple is based in California, both regions are known both historically and today for their communist sympathies. In fact, North Korea was an entity which grew out of the Soviet Union, whereas the Apple's founders' emerged from Berkeley – a well-known hotbed of communism and other dubious liberal ideals.
Both the North Korean and Apple regimes claim to be strong to the point of irrational invincibility, with Steve Jobs threatening to wage 'thermonuclear war' in a battle ultimately directed at Seongsan - a company which makes up 30% of the South Korean economy, and Pyongyang threatening thermonuclear war to destroy the other 70%. But experts believe that despite their bellicose rhetoric in reality both the Workers Party and Apple are unable to provide themselves with adequate security. Meanwhile military planners have shown that both North Korea and California could be easily invaded in the event of conflict, despite of the Chinese.
So with all the similarities and the Democratic People's Republic of Apple standing accused of being nothing more than a front for the International Communist Conspiracy while dressing up consumerism as communism, and Kim Jong-un now openly flouting the use of his fellow communists' computers in planning the nuclear destruction of South Korea, serious questions are being raised in legal circles as to whether Apple users in South Korea are open to arrest under the nation's firm but fair National Insecurity Law, which prohibits the possession of communist and other left-wing materials.
The Dokdo Times spoke to a leading expert on the implementation of the National Insecurity Law at a major Korean university, and while he didn't wish to go on the record for fear of prejudicing any ongoing government investigation, and because of the law's rules on free speech, he was clear that South Korean Apple users may be guilty of treason. The professor added that while he always marks the Apple-owning students in his class lower than their non-Apple owning peers, he wants to see the government take a more direct approach to the infiltrators to make them disappear.
The ultimate answer to the seemingly clear question of whether South Korean Apple users are communist sympathizers could have a significant bearing on the fortunes of Seongsan, which recently failed to set audiences alight with its flagship Galaxy S4 launch, despite careful attempts to show how it could be used to make up to 49 percent of the world's population feel superior, rather than the 10 percent globally that typically report feeling superior on using Apple devices.
Until the government acts, the fanboy Kim Jong-un and the North Korean regime will continue to plot the destruction of South Korea on their Apple computers and phones – and people will rightly ask what South Korean so-called 'liberal populists' pro-North sympathizers using these communist tools are doing as they huddle over their iPhones and iPads on this country's peaceful buses and subways, if it is not indeed exactly what it appears to be to the trained eye – a massive conspiracy aimed at overthrowing this country from within.
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Disclaimer: Please note the links above are generated automatically by our software and may not always be directly related to the news article. This article was partly contributed to by the Seongsan Social Research Institute.