Friday, August 5, 2011

Law School Graduates Face Grim Reality

The first wave of law school graduates to graduate since Korea introduced the U.S.-style law school system here in 2008 will hit the market early next year, prompting warnings from the legal professors who taught them that there will be too many seeking too few jobs.

"This country will have 1,500 new lawyers next year, but they will be driven into cutthroat competition" said 54 year-old Professor Kim from Seoul International University, although other experts have said this is wishful thinking. "The infrastructure is still too weak to accommodate a large number of new lawyers in such a short period of time" he added. Like many things built in Korea in the 1980s and 90s the legal infrastructure may be weak, but the idea that it might collapse taking hundreds of lawyers with it has also been described as wishful thinking, and the more likely outcome is that graduate lawyers will try to create business to earn an income.

The theory appeared to be confirmed over the weekend when one soon-to-graduate law student was discovered digging on a waterlogged mountain overlooking some apartment blocks. He denies he was trying to start a landslide, and has employed five lawyers to defend his case.

There is some evidence that soon lawyers will be spending much of their time suing each other. 23 year-old Kim became the first student to launch a class-action lawsuit against other legal graduates this year, saying they willfully damaged his chances of gaining useful employment. But legal experts say the class-action is likely to fail on both counts, because lawyers have no class and are not useful. In the past, Korean lawyers have argued that they make people's lives better by giving them access to the law, although the definition of "people" in the most popular legal textbook "K-Laws Into Clients (23rd Edition – 2011)" is "pure-blooded individuals... … earning no less than 900,000,000 won per year ($85,000)".

Despite the deluge of legal graduates about to burst through the system, the Ministry of Injustice are reluctant to stop the tsunami of lawyers which are coming through the educational system, because in Korea crime, divorce and natural disasters are treated as economic gains for GDP purposes, mostly through the impact of lawyers' fees. Some say though that this ignores the real socio-economic fallout of these weapons of mass-distraction. In reality they argue, studies have shown that for every additional 1,000 lawyers employed in Korea, GDP actually falls by 0.1%.

Some have urged the Korean government to take the Dokdo issue to the International Court of Justice in The Hague as Japan has repeatedly requested. The government's refusal to do this is mystifying since there is no doubt that Korea would win in the face of Japan's utterly baseless and fabricated claims. Estimates suggest that the legal process of gathering 5,000 years of evidence for Korea's factual case could occupy 500 lawyers for the next several years, reducing the legal surplus. By that time, the Pyeongchang Olympics will occur, and the event is expected to bring with it a large number of construction-related lawsuits, as well as two years of legal wrangling with the Olympic authorities after the Games over Korean athletes who were obviously cheated out of medals.

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Law school graduates face grim reality

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