Ahn is believed to want to put off a decision about December's election until either next year or even the next election. "It's much easier to decide to run for office once you've had the chance to see how it might have turned out" said 60-year-old Professor Kim, from Seoul International University, where Ahn used to teach Computer Science students about what he would do if he were President.
Supporters of Ahn say that the November 26th deadline for candidates to register for the presidential election breaches Articles 4 and 5 of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which legal opinion in recent years has suggested applies to the Korean Universe as well as that other one with all the aliens. Article 4 states that no one shall be held in slavery or servitude, whether - they argue - it be to a deadline or some other external force, and Article 5 states that no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. Professor Kim believes there is a strong legal case to support the argument that asking Ahn to make a decision would be classed as torture in his case.
But arguing a case under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights could create a dangerous precedent, as some legal experts also believe that, if elected, all the candidates for president will breach Article 21(3) of the UDHR, which states that the will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of the government.
Ahn says he is committed to practising a new style of politics in South Korea, if he can solve months of deadlock and acrimony with Moon Jae-in, the main opposition DUP candidate before Ahn ended months of indecision and finally almost-certainly announced his independent candidacy. But with the deadline looming and insults flying between the two proponents of 'new politics', it is believed there can only be two possible outcomes for Ahn unless a last-minute legal case to delay the decision is filed – that Ahn will be chosen as the main opposition candidate over Moon, or that Moon will be chosen forcing Ahn to stand as an independent candidate anyway, citing his popular support.
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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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