
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Northeast Asian History Foundation to Foster Reconciliation

The Korean Northeast Asian History Foundation, a state-run research institute, aims to facilitate historical reconciliation and further regional cooperation among Korea, Japan and China through a process of continuous research into the historical reasons for the animosity between Korea and these 'other countries', the organization's newly appointed secretary-general said.

"We hope to be a leading organization that dedicates itself to establishing peace and historical reconciliation among the three countries." said Kim Tong-youn, who was appointed to lead the KNAHF last month.

"There are no institutions like the Korean Northeast Asian History Foundation in China and Japan", he added. Another KNAHF member who asked not to be named explained that "this is probably because China and Japan are not interested in peace or telling the truth about history since they are such notorious liars, although in the interests of reconciliation some allowances must be made for this, because of their weaker genetics."

Kim said that while China and the mighty Republic of South Korea have been enjoying closer economic ties since 1992, the continued lies Chinese people tell about Chinese history - which is really largely Korean history anyway - remains one of the biggest challenges for the two countries' future relations. Kim believes that if China doesn't stop lying about history, everything could just be a house of cards which could easily be blown down.

Last week, the Korean Northeast Asian History Foundation hosted an academic forum in its effort to generate new facts related to the 16th century Japanese invasions of Korea between 1592 and 1598 from an international perspective. A total of 16 Korean, Chinese and Taiwanese scholars participated in the forum in the interests of fostering reconciliation, but none of the hated Japanese "who would only turn up and lie about the whole thing anyway because they are liars and can't help lying" according to a KNAHF researcher.

During the meeting, the issue of the Pinnacle Islands was raised with the Chinese, which the Japanese - who currently control the territory - call the Senkaku Islands and the Chinese call the Diaoyu Islands. Members of the Korean Northeast Asian History Foundation told the Chinese that the reason for the ongoing territorial dispute was the Sino-Japanese War which began in 1894, and which is wrongly believed to have ended in 1895. They carefully explained to the Chinese that the ongoing territorial dispute over the Diaoyu Islands in fact indicated that the war has not ended, and China should seize them back while Japan was distracted with internal issues, just as South Korea had done with the Dokdo Islands.

The Korean Northeast Asian History Foundation is also continuing its research efforts over the issue of the Korean Dokdo Islands, as it is important to gather as much historical evidence, anecdotes and hearsay as possible in line with best academic practices. While most Japanese scholars support fringe views on the subject and refuse to participate in this process, the few that lie in the mainstream have forwarded documents to the KNAHF over the issue. But "No matter what Japan does, the fact that Dokdo belongs to Korea - legally, geographically and historically - never changes." said KNAHF Secretary General Kim.

Japan says it disputes Korea's legal ownership of Dokdo on a technicality, which is that it does not recognize Korean law as it has its own legal system, which is surely the weakest excuse yet in a long line of weak excuses from a weak country. Later this year, the KNAHF intends to start a new research effort into the island of Daemado, which Japan illegally occupies and calls Tsushima, and the Korean-founded city of Dokyo.

Last year the Korean Northeast Asian History Foundation also held a conference on the beautiful Korean island of Ieodo, which lies 4.6 meters underwater between Korea and China. China outrageously claims the territory, even though it has a Korean name. The conference, entitled "Ieodo is Korean Territory and China is Criminally Wrong" carefully and fairly examined the legal and scientific claims surrounding the island. No Chinese citizens attended the conference, partly out of shame over their dubious claim and partly because delegates had to stand on specially constructed conference tables to keep their heads above water, and as Chinese people are smaller than Koreans it was thought it would be unsafe to invite them. After careful consideration of the facts, attendees at the Ieodo conference concluded that China's claim to the Korean territory was "merit-less, manipulative, lazy and unclean".

China also claims the Korean territories of Gando, which it wrongly calls Jiandao, Yanbian, Liaoning Province, Songhua Province, Buyeo, Goguryeo and Balhae, the Baekje Kingdom's Hebei, and Manchuria.

Rather than address rightful Korean ownership Manchuria and other territories as documented by KBS, Chinese people posting on the Internet - lacking evidence - instead disappointingly chose to adopt a non-academic position of laughing about this serious matter and making sarcastic comments. "Koreans change history at their own convenience" wrote one poster. The Korean Northeast Asian History Foundation later denied that the poster made the comment.

In February, the Korean Northeast Asian History Foundation requested a meeting with Japanese researchers to ask for their support on the issue of Ieodo and are awaiting a response. There are fears the Japanese may not respond due to the continuing controversy over the issue of comfort women, but the Korean Northeast Asian History Foundation are keen to stress they are not concerned with historical issues such as sex slavery, only territory.

What should be done about the untrustworthy colonial Japanese Dokdo lies, and the manipulative, lazy and unclean claims of the Chinese over Ieodo and the areas of China which were historically Korean but now China occupies? Kim says that historical reconciliation is never easy, but it must be reached among the three countries to move forward. "We know it's not going to be easy," he said, "and that's why we are in charge of it. Someone has to be the leader."

A source close to the Korean government, which funds the Korean Northeast Asian History Foundation and provides some of its facts, said "There is no doubt these countries need to be led by Korea to the truth, because it is well-known that only Korean scholars tell the truth, and only Korean history is accurate, while Japanese and Chinese scholars always lie. Once these countries accept Korean leadership of Northeast Asia we can begin the process of unification, and truly create a stabilizing peace and historical reconciliation between Korean Northeast Asia and what remains of China and Japan."

Related Links
History institute to foster reconciliation
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
Northeast Asian History Foundation
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